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Oil for Abundance and Prosperity
Aromatherapy to Overcome Your Problems
by Francoise Rapp
For many people, the menacing and overpowering awareness of their financial state is 
enough to keep them awake at night. And it's no wonder, since we spend so much of 
our daily lives doing mental  accounting of our finances, paying bills, and watching our 
paperwork pile up. This financial anxiety can be paralyzing for some, keeping them in an 
endless poverty consciousness cycle that actually prevents them from attracting the 
abundance they so desire. 

If you suffer from these self-sabotaging fears, it's time to learn how to release their hold 
on you. And you may be surprised to learn that the remedy is really no different than 
treating a physical ailment. When you are sick, you take herbs and nurture yourself in 
order to regain your health. Apply this principle to your emotional state and use action 
to relieve your symptoms. Include a simple ritual and a customized aromatherapy 
blend to your daily routine and you will soon find yourself  free from the financial fears 
that were holding you back. Start by taking the following actions to welcome prosperity 
into your life: 
Clear the Clutter-- 
Are you apprehensive about your accounting, allowing it to pile up and clutter your life? 
Consider the negative  message that sends about your abilities to manage your finances. 
Eliminating clutter is a major principle in Feng Shui. When you clear it, you also eliminate 
the emotional clutter as well. Do a major de-cluttering this week. Make it a point to organize 
your papers, file your receipts, etc.Then, make sure to maintain your new sense of order. 

--Change Your Perspective on the Situation-- 
We are often reluctant to address our finances because we are afraid of what we will find.
 Will we find more debt? Will we discover we have less money than we need? Change 
your perspective today by doing an inventory of your life. Make a list of all your goods: 
possessions, relationships,success stories, health, etc. See how much you have on hand 
instead of how much you lack. And remember, no matter how bad it gets, there is always 
a way out. 

--Aromatic Blend to Transcend Your Financial Fears-- 

This blend will boost your confidence, willpower, and courage. In a 10-ml bottle, add the 
following essential oils and fill with an organic vegetable oil:
 5 drops Bay leaves Essential Oil
 5 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
 4 drops Cinnamon Essential Oil 

Anoint the solar plexus, lower back. 
Pour a few drops into the palm of your hands 
and breathe it in deeply. Use it in the morning, when
feeling scared or anxious about a financial situation. 

--Your 10-Minute Ritual-- 

This exercise will replenish your body and mind in positive energy,thus helping you 
attract abundance into your life. 

Sit silently in a quiet place for several minutes
Visualize yourself surrounded by and absorbing a golden color within your 
entire body,each organ,each cell. Imagine it radiating out. Hold this vision 
for at least 10 minutes. Feel how your body is full of this golden color.

Pour a few drops of the aromatic blend into the palms of your hands and breathe it in
deeply. Say the following affirmation three times aloud: 

"I am the creator of my own wealth and take action today toward abundance."

Francoise Rapp. Internationally renowned aromatherapist and alchemist, Francoise Rapp, 
shares her expertise in using essential oils to heal and revitalize body and mind 

at http://www.aromalchemy.com. Highlights include aromatherapy classes,pure and 
organic essential oils,recipes and aromatic treatments for health and wellness,and a free 
weekly newsletter. Discover the power of aromatherapy today at

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