Being in the Present With a Daily Tarot Card
by Bonnie Moss(c) 2011- 02
Leo Buscaglia tells us that ``Life is a great and wondrous mystery, and the only thing we know
that we have for sure is what is right here right now. Don't miss it." In a way, not living
fully in the present is allowing ourselves to be robbed of that gift of time called NOW.
There is something about sitting in front of a roaring fire, watching the flames dance and sway
to and fro. It is easy to be mesmerized and just be in the moment. If you've ever sat around a
campfire, did that not make the evening air magical?
There is a lot written about being in the here and now, about living in the present moment. But
you can argue there is so much on your mind, your plate is full and there are not enough hours
in the day. Does this not set you up for stress and anxiety? Focusing on a problem magnifies the
problem. Have you found the answer you are looking for by worrying? Everyone has felt fear, anger,
betrayal, insecurity and the pain of failure. The future drives you to strive, to work harder and
yes, gets you worried. The economy is not as stable as it was, this means thoughts of job security
or lack of it. There is political turmoil all over, crime and violence are on the rise. Natural
calamities seem to occur all over the world.
But, should these issues define your life? Surely, there must be a way. You set goals and believe
that you have the necessary commitment to realize these. Yes, you do, for a while. Then slowly the
old way creeps up, priorities are set aside. So much for goal setting.
There are ways to live each day with more meaning and leave you more at peace first with yourself,
then the world around you. Information is at your fingertips, with the click of a mouse, you can get
pointers on living in the moment. You can learn the techniques of mindfulness. There are many ways
to meditate. All these lead to the road of inner peace and harmony.
The tarot can be helpful in setting your pace for the day. Let it help you find a way to be present
in the moment. This does not require any psychic abilities. It starts with choosing a deck that you
feel you can connect with. If you are not familiar with the variety of tarot decks , ask a friend,
or check it out on-line. The artwork varies as well. However, you can always get another deck as
you get more confident and familiar with what tarot is all about.
Tarot card for the day
There is no lack of psychic readers on the internet including tarot. This is good, but take it a
step beyond. If you do not own a tarot deck., consider owning one. Tarot cards provide insight and
energy to a situation. In regular tarot readings, there are cards that turn up with the message that
the wisdom / or energy is best applied in the present.
Choosing a tarot card daily can help you to focus on issues for that day. There is no right way or
wrong way to read a tarot card. Look at the card with no judgment, no anxiety , no anticipation or
fear. No matter how tough things are, do not greet the morning with doom and gloom.
Have faith, this is easier said than done, but remember, there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Tarot cards cover all possibilities in life- joy, love, success ,strength and the opposites as well,
pain, sorrow, struggles, failure, betrayal or defeat. How does this help? Being in the present moment
calms down the spirit. Being calm lets the spirit offer a brighter outlook or perspective if the day
seem to start off dreary.
A glance at the suits:
Minor Arcana: The suits have different designations as there are different tarot decks. I use the Rider-Waite deck.
Sword- this suit is of the element Air. It encourages you to use your mental acuity. Focus
on the image, be in the present. Fear and anxiety compounds worry. These feelings , these thoughts
do not solve a problem and cloud your judgment. Take a few deep breathes, have faith and ask your
spirit, angel, God or whatever deity you believe in for guidance. As you go through your day, focus
on what you have to do- at that moment. The rest of the day will take care of itself.
Wands- this suit is of the element Fire. I call this suit as calling up on the fire of the
spirit.It shows strength, passion and courage , asks for focus on what is right. At times, we tend to
focus on the negative and breathe life to it. This is self-sabotage. Instead, be in the present moment
and feel the strength of your spirit that will guide you against all odds. Feel the energy around you
in the present moment.
Pentacles this suit speaks to you of Earth, the physical, material aspect of life, its challenges
and its rewards. Again, the spirit inspires you to be centered and grounded. Clutter in the mind will
take you nowhere. You get edgy and disoriented. Take a moment to feel grounded, your feet solid on
the ground and enjoy being in your center at the moment.
Cups this suit speaks of emotions, of love or hate. It is the Water element. Water flows,
so should Life. Water turns solid as ice, so do emotions- it can turn frigid. Learn to allow life
to flow, each moment to unfold, this is the mystery of Life. Immerse in the moment and feel the
peace flowing through your being.
Major Arcana
This suit highlights more powerful energies, carry with it higher vibrations with deeper spiritual
messages. Take a closer look and let the card speak to you.
If a daily card is not in your schedule, you can pick a card , focus on it for a few days
or make it a card for the week. This practice of a daily card deepens intuitive abilities. It helps
you to pay more attention to that inner voice which we all have and is waiting to be heard. It guides
you to a healthier lifestyle, be more mindful of your health, your activities and your priorities. It
enhances relationships.
Tarot Articles