you see it all under my bright light
nothing can be hidden
you see the good, the bad and the ugly.
look at life at the surface
or delve deeper and let things come
to light, for good or bad
the choice is yours..
i am here to share my brightness
when your day is cloudy and dreary
for life is not all sweet music and dance
sway with the rhythmn, savor the moment
fill every fiber of your mind, body and soul
with music, bask in my warmth
let it radiate through you to give you solace
and strength when you need it most
look for the silver lining,see the clarity shine
through clouds of confusion
i follow the MOON, she cautions you about
the fears , illusions or delusions you
bring upon yourself
i bring the light after darkness, enlightenment
after turmoil and chaos, a new understanding,
calm and serenity, and faith to move forward.
i bring you energy that you may achieve all that
you can. weave the elements of success
to bring out the most exquisite tapestry
in your life that you never dreamt of.
this, is possible as i visit your day, brighten it
with my light, i am the SUN
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