i sit between two pillars
as does the High priestess,
the mysteries I hold are for you,
to help you find your way
i pass judgment, i ensure
that laws are obeyed.
this i do with the gift of
enlightenment with love
and compassion
i draw my authority
from higher wisdom
i hold the scales to let you
know that there is balance in
this life. you hold it within you
for good or bad
is fairness important to you?
what secrets do you hold deep within,
hidden from your conscious self,
do you take pride in your deeds?
or you feel the need to justify
every move?
what angry thoughts , what bitterness
what pain your heart endures
buried in the deep recesses, but
never forgotten nor forgiven
oh! yes! yet when darkness envelopes
you- ask: where is justice?
many times you feel life is not
being fair to you? and often ask
why me ? i deserve better-
where is justice?
you see the sword in one hand,
the scales in the other.I stand for
the active principle of cosmic law.
the lady of the lake rises and hands
arthur the excalibur- with all the power
and protection these gfts bestow,
the lady reminds him there is a court,
mightier than his.
acknowledge yourself, regain your
personal power. listen to the voice of
your soul, of your body, take care of
the material needs this earthly life
have faith that the universe will not
fail you. find the balance that nurtures
life. live your life in harmony,
be noble,be just to each one
that crosses your path
then...you need not seek justice,
for you are living it.
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