Sometimes I am called the Pope
What do I represent?
Fear not that I stand for the rigidity associated
With religious tenets and hierarchy
Traditionally, I call upon your
Sense of morality, duty, conscience.
How strong is your faith, what do you base your
Values, your belief system, how do you relate
To the mysteries of this life
In life are dualities and contradictions,
I offer the chance to grab the access to wisdom,
It is my responsibility to make hidden knowledge
manifest to man.
So that the seeker may experience
The enlightenment that inner knowledge brings,
A chance to develop hidden talents and skills
Bask in the light of thesSun,or live with the influence
Of the Moon and its shadows
Find the true expression of what is inside you,
Your essence and appearance in accord,
Be in harmony with your highest truth, highest self.
What greater source of personal strength and
Power could there be?
These I represent as the Hierophant.
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